Nomadland 2020 movie review; The Dark Side of America Moon

Nomadland 2020 movie review; The Dark Side of America Moon

Criticism of Nomadland 2020 introduces us to the dark moon of the United States. The face that Hollywood has hidden from us behind its usual glamor. The face that Hollywood has hidden with magic. In the continuation of this article, follow the repetition and analysis of this film.

This movie is forbidden for people under 60 years old. The story of the film takes place in a context where a company in the state of Noda goes bankrupt and its workers are laid off. Fern (played by Francis McDormand) travels in his van, moving from place to place, literally fighting for survival. Survival is the fundamental issue of postmodern humanity today.

A human being whose concepts have been gradually reincarnated, and now it is not a question of progress, wealth, ascension, and so on. It is a matter of staying. Stay and just stay. Staying and not succumbing to the cruel judgment of the time or being crushed under the cycles of capitalism . Stay and stand in the ranks of McDonald. Stay tuned for the new iPhone. Staying and mourning from morning till night for factory owners and rents and a small percentage who have ruined a modern oligarchy over the people of the world. Now, a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus, it is being discovered that high levels are not important and the virus is in the air. There is a bitter laugh on the lips of man that all this soap and alcohol and disinfectant was sold. Just for a guess? Wasn't that clear? Why are they silent? Who will give the last shout?

In the continuation of this article, follow us to review the critique of Nomadland 2020 or the land of the displaced. A film starring Francis Mkdvrmand, acting in 2017, starring in the film Tuesday billboard outside Abyng, Missouri ( Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri ) won an Academy Award for best female lead of the Academy.

Nomadland 2020 Movie Review

Searching for meaning in the deserts of the Land of Dreams, USA

The tragedy designed by Choloe zhao is based on a character. A woman who has everything and does not have it; He lost his family, his home and his job. A woman who has also lost her femininity. The filmmaker's markings make it clear to the audience that this woman has gone beyond her gender and seeks survival regardless of her femininity. In any case, but not by undermining self-esteem. Somewhere in the film he is offered to sleep in the church and he refuses.

Or somewhere else he meets an old acquaintance and he compliments Farn to come and spend the night at his house and Farn (played by Frances McDormand ) replies: "I am not homeless, I am just homeless, the two are different. Am I not right? ” Homelessness in this film, in particular, has changed from content to form and vice versa, and this is one of the director's successes. The form that also appeared in the color of the film became objective and reminded me of Eastern European films. The coldness of the film ripples not only in the air but also frame by frame. Even in Fern's plans for exploring nature and searching for meaning, nothing diminishes the film's postmodern coldness and meaninglessness .

Imperialism turns the American dream into a nightmare?

The filmmaker took a desperate look at the issue and order in the American capitalist world, seeing it as the machine that pulled Charlie Chaplin into his wheels in Modern Times . But there are huge differences between this look and that look. I am not looking for a phenomenological comparison of these two works, and I just want to draw your attention to the two things that accompany the audience (not the festival judges) in each film.

Critique of the Land of the Displaced
Nomadland 2020 movie review / Francis McDormand image

Perhaps the relatively common point between these two views is one of the important tools of the two directors. He is also the dominant actor in the film form. It can be said that McDormand has played exactly what the soul of the film wanted him to do and has achieved good success in acting in this film.

Mike Ryan, a critic of Approx, wrote in this regard:

  • Score: 90 out of 100

In this film, we see a beautiful play by McDormand, so much so that it is hard not to mention this film as his best play. Of course, I remembered that I had reached exactly the same conclusion in many of Francis McDormand's films. But there is something special about this film.

Rhythm and pulse below zero; In the service or betrayal of the film?

If you watch this movie at two or three times the speed, you have not lost anything. It can not be said that this film had a little rhythm and tempo. The film had neither rhythm nor tempo. Someone should have told the writer and director of this film that it is not necessary to make a film with the worst kind of rhythm in order to beat capitalism and raise the status of the worker in the eyes of the audience. The general audience, which is easy, the professional cinema audience also falls asleep with this rhythm.

The drama of the film is shaped by the tragedy that befalls Farn. But when there is no news of events and tempo, the audience becomes indifferent to the calamity that has befallen this woman and the likes of this woman, and to the narration of the filmmaker's unique circles, and all the filmmaker's efforts become like a bear that is silver or gold. The applause for him at festivals. The narrative of this film, however, as mentioned, is not broken and has formed a cohesive unit from the beginning to the end.

Nomadland Movie Review
Nomadland Movie Review

Peter Dbrvzh ( Peter Debruge ) critic of Variety in this regard writes:

  • Score: 100 out of 100

If we want to get a glimpse of road movies, the essence is part of their narrative. But the film Nomadland has solved this problem beautifully. In the film, the narrative is circular rather than linear, and the film's influential characters return to make a greater impact on Fern.

Movie or documentary?

The games and atmosphere of the film are such that you, as the audience, are hesitant whether it is a movie or a documentary. The filmmaker has made the best use of the loser. The homeless in the movie Nomads play a kind of homeless person that you do not doubt is homeless. The interest of this filmmaker (Chloe Zhao) in most of his films, including The Rider, reflects the fact that he pays special attention to realism and people who live below the poverty line. This realism goes so far as to make the audience paranoid about whether the film is documentary or fake.

Do not wait for anything to happen in this movie

We proceed with the negative rhythm of the film and nothing happens in the film. The climax of the drama is when Fern confronts his sister and the sister tells him, "How good it would be if you were," or when the old man talks about his son who committed suicide and offers a new definition of death that later From there we will walk on a road and see our dead.

Critique of the Land of the Displaced
Nomadland 2020 movie review

Following the critique of Nomadland 2020, it should be noted that it is a new definition of the concepts of the film. The task of this film. It is a decision that is made between the filmmaker and the audience from the beginning. Which, as I mentioned, builds the postmodern spirit of the film. But the filmmaker's new definitions of life after death remain primitive, and the new discourse formed between the filmmaker and the audience remains a cracker if it were to be like TNT.

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Medicinal nostalgia for the pain of the afflicted

The film's oriental streaks occur when Fern takes refuge in photographs of his past and satisfies himself with the pain of remembering a lost past. A woman who cuts her hair like a man and whose ultimate sexual function is to give a cigarette butt to a young boy who, according to Gypsy culture, does not even need to exchange greetings.

Critique of the Land of the Displaced
Nomadland 2020 movie review or video / video image from the movie

The average age of the characters is between fifty and seventy. This film destroys capitalism on middle-aged people and we do not understand or see the effects of this system on young people. If Marx, Engels, Lenin, or Stalin themselves were alive, they would most likely fall asleep while watching this film, regardless of the objective manifestations of their theses, and dream of a beautiful woman who is in a good mood in the arms of imperialism, dancing and drinking.

Photographic shots; Where the filmmaker separated himself from others

The film Nomadland is highly philosophical and uniquely aesthetically pleasing. The filmmaker is a framer. His mastery of the camera and its frames is exemplary and artistic. His approach is the same from the beginning and he has succeeded in this. We see this well in the frames that Farn runs across the plain, and the audience's visual pleasure peaks despite the film's boring content.

One of the criteria of some film critics is that if they press a button on the pause button at any time, the paused image will show a beautiful picture, which is expected in this film and is a positive point for a director who tries to show And to show off this skill has its own. The skill that in many movies has taken the film out of water and mud and has satisfied the form desired by the filmmaker in the film. From Iranian Indians (directed by Nima Javidi) to the unique experiences of Eastern European directors such as Pavel Pavlovsky (Aida, Cold War, etc.).

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A failed experience for an Oriental woman; Picture Picture Picture

Kelui Zhao is from China and has transferred his oriental and communist look to his films. He won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival with his film Nomads. But my main and fundamental question is whether the content should be sacrificed to the form and the festival or not?

The point to consider in such mindsets is that the artist must realize that the audience or the critic does not have to tolerate the injection of a particular ideology that is endorsed by the artist. If he wants to make a work of art with a certain ideology, he has to mix his own worldview with it and present it to the audience.

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He has to provide his own translation of that particular thought that I did not see in this film about the author's particular translation and worldview. The synopsis of the movie Nomads was beautiful pictures with brilliant games and dreamy course of the movie in an accurate and regular narration. Of course, all of this was flavored with a special spice, which was the filmmaker's communist and anti-capitalist outlook.

Nomadland Movie Review
Nomadland 2020 movie review

Nomadland 2020 movie review; Film cast

  • Director: Chloé Zhao
  • Producer: Francis McDormand, Peter Spears, Mali Ash, Dan Janovi and Kelly Zhao
  • Screenwriter: Kidney Zhao Written by Jessica Bruder
  • Cast: Frances McDormand, David Strattern, Linda May and Bob Wells
  • Music: Ludovico Anavodi
  • Cinematographer: Joshua James Richards
  • Editor: Chloé Zhao
  • Production companies: Highwayman Films, Hear / Say Productions, Cor Cordium Productions
  • Distributor: Headlight Pictures
  • Country: United States
  • language:English


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